A Few Animations (Using MATLAB):
psd2.mp4: Power spectrum of logistic map for alpha varying from 3.5 to 4 (1"05').
psd1.mp4: Power spectrum of logistic map for alpha varying from 3.35 to 3.575, lobes (1"56').
medio.mp4: Chaotic Dynamics resulting from Delay model & May eq. for alpha varying from 3 to 5 (see Medio). (1"39'):
Ushape.mp4: Natural measure of probability, u-shape convergence. (6').
logmapDyn.mp4: Basic dynamic of logistic map for alpha=3,...,4 (observe the revolution of points around a virtual axis). (1"06').
genus1m.mp4: Genus-1 (torus) whose radii change. The trajectory of point on the torus surface follows of course the radii changes. (4')
fBM1.mp4: Here are three histograms:
(1) Histogram of (pseudo) fract. Brownian motion,
(2) Histogram of its 1st-differences,
(3) Histogram of its 2nd-differences,
whose hurst exponent evolves H = 0.2,..., 1. (53').
Walk2D.mp4: Walk of a (pseudo) fractional Brownian motion for H=0.53 in a plane with 10000 steps. Observe the loops and the way in which the plane is blackened by the walk of the fractional brownian motion.11minutes (11''06').
Walk3D.mp4: Walk of a (pseudo) fract. Brownian motion for H=0.5 in a 3-dimensional Euclidean space with 10000 steps. Observe the loops and the way in which the volume is blackened by the fractional brownian motion walk.11minutes (11'')