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A Few Animations (Using MATLAB):

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Convo.mp4: Schematic representation of the convolution of an arbitrary curve (i.e. signal) with a wave function which moves along the signal. Observe how the wave function highlights the variations of the signal. (12').

HopfBif.mp4: Orbit and Hopf Bifurcation of the Nonlinear Dynamical System: dz/dt= (μ+iγ)z-z|z|2 z=complex: (Hopf), γ=fixed.μ=-0.2,..,2.2 [μ-abscissa, x1, x2].

BasicHopf.mp4: Hopf bifurcation for the system:
(1). dx1/dt = x2 + x1 [ μ - x12 - x22 ]
(2). dx2/dt = - x1 + x2 [ μ - x12 - x22 ]
where μ varies as follows: μ= -1,..,2. (03')

orbitDyn2.mp4: Orbit and Bifurcations of a Nonlinear Dynamical System according to μ,γ. (γ=-1,...,1, μ=-0.5,..,3). [μ-abscissa, x1, x2]. ATTENTION - Consider as an exercise the question: Is this simulation valid or not? (cf. corresponding Matlab m-file, "Dynamic2.m") (13'):

slw.mp4: Reference Solow model while the parameter s varies from 0.1 to 0.152. (08')

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